App To Prevent Mac From Sleeping

Apple does mention about the effectiveness of App Nap in their official website:

“… OS X can tell when an app is completely hidden behind other windows. World globe app for mac. And if that app isn’t currently doing something for you — playing music, downloading a file or checking email, for example — App Nap conserves valuable battery life by slowing the app down.”

  • You could try Caffeine from the Mac App Store: Caffeine is a tiny program that puts an icon in the right side of your menu bar. Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers. Click it again to go back. Right-click (or ⌘-click) the icon to show the menu.
  • Dec 21, 2017  Keep iPhone from sleeping by changing the Auto-Lock period. To keep iPhone from sleeping or to change the Auto-Lock period, you must first go to Settings. Tap on Display & Brightness; Then select Auto-Lock; Set the period to Never to keep your iPhone from sleeping and turning the screen off once and for all.
  • May 12, 2013  This handy Caffeine app can prevent your Mac from entering sleep mode on demand. An icon in the menu bar will allow you to toggle the setting for those occasional times when you need to computer to run uninterrupted. Click on the cup to toggle Caffeine. System settings apply when the cup is empty, and Caffeine is working when the cup is full.
  • Oct 23, 2017  I am new to the Mac OS system and am facing a difficulty. 'Prevent computer from sleeping' is Ticked and 'Put Hard Disk to sleep' is NOT Ticked. The my mac goes to sleep after some while, no matter that i use some 3th party app to prevent it! Jan 21, 2016 1:11 PM Reply Helpful (1) Thread reply - more options.

Jul 24, 2018  Caffeine is light-weight and useful for when you’re running an app/process that takes a long time to complete but is unable to prevent the system from sleeping while it’s still working. For example, if you use a download manager app, or your browser to download something, the apps will prevent your system from going to sleep. Now, the App Nap feature won’t affect the activity of this particular app. Prevent Mac from sleeping. As mentioned earlier, OS X’s native feature to prevent App Nap may not be available for all the apps. If you want to make sure a particular app is not paused automatically, but it doesn’t have the Prevent App Nap option in its Info window. Preventing Mac from Sleeping When the Display is Closed. Download InsomniaX from the MacUpdate website, and save it to your Mac. Double-click on the downloaded archive to extract the actual app file, and then double-click on that app file to launch the app.

The screen of your Mac automatically turns off after a certain duration of inactivity. Eventually, the entire Mac goes into sleep mode depending on your configured power settings. If you have a background app running with the App Nap feature enabled, it won’t be able to prevent your Mac from going into sleep mode. And once sleep mode is activated, all your active apps will stop working.

When you resume work on your Mac, you might notice that background activity (for example, downloading files via μTorrent or other download managers) have been paused or that the internet had been disconnected while in sleep mode. Of course, OS X did this to save power, but the feature is not really helpful in this case.

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Weather app for mac dock. This item contains direct information on the current conditions, but when selecting it you have instant access to more detailed information as well as forecast information. It displays the current condition as a big icon and contains all sorts of detailed information.WeatherDock shows 5 or 10 icons containing forecasts for the upcoming 5 or 10 days.Weather in the dockWeatherDock updates it's application icon with an icon representing the current weather conditions. You can customize this icon by adding 'badges' to them representing all sorts of weather information.Weather on the desktopNext to the Dock icon, you optionally can add this icon to your desktop, this icon will then allways be visible on top of your other applications on a location you desire, but will hide itself when it could get in the way.Weather in the menu barWeatherDock can add a menu item to you menu bar.

If App Nap is disabled for a particular app, it won’t allow your Mac to go into sleep mode while it’s active, even in background. You can see this in action when you’re playing music in iTunes and the display turns off. In this case, iTunes keeps playing music in the background. This is because App Nap is disabled by default for iTunes.

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  • 2 Prevent Mac from sleeping

Prevent App Nap for specific apps

Best App To Prevent Mac From Sleeping

Mac OS X gives you the option to manually turn off App Nap for certain apps. If a particular app has the Prevent App Nap option, you can enable it to ensure the app will continue running in background even when your Mac inactive over a long period. The following steps below will help you to enable Prevent App Nap for specific apps.

  1. Open Finder on your Mac and click on the Applications tab from the left pane.
  2. Right click / Ctrl + Click on the app you want to disable App Nap for and click on Get Info from the menu.
  3. Look for the Prevent App Nap option under the General section of the App Info window. If present, check on it to disable App Nap for that particular app.

Now, the App Nap feature won’t affect the activity of this particular app.

Prevent Mac from sleeping

As mentioned earlier, OS X’s native feature to prevent App Nap may not be available for all the apps. If you want to make sure a particular app is not paused automatically, but it doesn’t have the Prevent App Nap option in its Info window, there are some third party alternatives available to help you achieve the same.

Prevent Mac from sleeping when downloading

Caffeine is a useful app that sits on the Mac OS X menu bar and prevents your Mac from automatically going to sleep. Thus, it helps applications to keep running over long duration of inactivity. Depending on your requirement, you can activate Caffeine from a few minutes to a few hours or even indefinitely, when you need background tasks to be performed without any interruption. You can even turn off the display by using the Ctrl+Shift+Eject or Ctrl+Shift+Power shortcut to save power.

Get Caffeine from the Mac App Store.

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However, if you want to disable sleep on Macbook even when the lid is closed, Caffeine won’t help you in this case; NoSleep would be a better option here.

Prevent Mac from sleeping when lid is closed

App To Prevent Mac From Sleeping

NoSleep is similar to Caffeine in the way that it allows applications to keep running over long periods of inactivity. But unlike Caffeine, which only prevents your Mac from automatically going to sleep, NoSleep disables the sleep feature completely as long as it is enabled. This means your Macbook won’t go into sleep mode even if the lid is closed and background apps will keep running without any interruption. But it also means that your Mac might probably consume a lot more power when NoSleep is enabled.

To save some power when NoSleep is active, you might want to lock your Mac’s screen with the Lock Screen option from the NoSleep menu. Alternatively, you may just turn off the display by using the (Ctrl+Shift+Eject) / (Ctrl+Shift+Power) keyboard shortcut.

Get NoSleep from MacUpdate.

App To Keep Mac From Sleeping

Note: OS X also has a a native option to permanently disable sleep on your Mac. But this is not recommended to be used over the long term.

Keep Macbook From Sleeping

The apps mentioned above will prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep. Hence, if any of the applications are using an Internet connection, the connection will remain active even if the screen is locked or your Mac is not in use for a long time.

App To Prevent Mac From Sleeping Free

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